May 27, 2020
It seems like COVID is pushing people to develop new skills. In a previous post, my friend Alex talked about learning to use the sewing machine properly. Many people have indicated that they are learning how to use virtual platforms for work. Others have completely adapted their businesses to function differently to meet society's new needs. My boyfriend is learning to bake bread and climb trees (rock climbing style, because he can't go to the climbing gym these days). And I am learning to drive all over again.
My boyfriend and I had been toying with the idea of purchasing a car earlier this year, but ultimately figured "What's the point? We don't need it." Then recommendations to avoid using public transit were published. And I have not taken the TTC in 2 months. Given that this was my primary mode of transportation, it has significantly limited my ability to move around the city. As it got warmer, I started biking more. But when there are no public washrooms available, the prospect of biking long distances and staying away from home for hours on end becomes less appealing. (Despite this, I am slowly becoming accustomed to going in back yards and alley ways in broad makes me wonder whether public urination laws are enforced as stringently during COVID...). We began to question whether we had made the wrong decision about not purchasing a car. And then one day, my parents called us up and offered to lend us their car. We were thrilled! The only caveat was that it's a standard.
12 years ago I got my G1. 11 years ago we got a standard car. However, the prospect of learning to drive stick shift was a daunting one, so I avoided it. 6 years ago I finally tried to learn. But I could not get into first gear without stalling. After that first attempt to learn, I completely avoided it. That is, until a few weeks ago. My boyfriend informed me that he would not chauffeur me around all summer. So finally, I worked up the nerve.
We went out twice in parking lots. I got all the way to fourth gear and practiced down shifting while coasting around turns. On the second day, I was going to try and drive home, but it started unexpectedly hailing (in May!) and given that my mum had said "the car fishtails in bad weather", we decided to end the lesson that day. On the third day, we hit the road! I got up to 5th gear, turned left onto a main street without a light, and turned left off a busy street without stalling! However, at this point, my boyfriend had to give me some basic pointers about how to make a left turn in an intersection, because trying to drive stick is like learning to drive again! And then I had the joy of parallel parking with a standard...
It was incredibly exhilarating to finally learn a skill that I have been avoiding for 11 years! I am very excited to be able to use this newfound ability to see friends and family while social distancing guidelines are in effect. And it's weird to think, but it's all due to COVID. I don't think I would have pushed myself to learn if I hadn't been stuck in this situation.
- Roo
Are there new skills that you are developing due to your new circumstances? How are you adapting?